Global Roundtable

Our Global Roundtable is an opportunity to share ideas and explore how each of us contributes to the story of our civilization. Signatories are also encouraged to log-in and join the online discussion forum.
What can be more inspiring than our ability to dream.
What can be more empowering than our ability to learn.
What can be more moving than our ability to care.
What can be more exciting than our ability to innovate.
What can be more rewarding than our ability to nurture.
What can be more powerful than our ability to cooperate.
We have what it takes. We just need better stories to bring it out in us.
Let’s celebrate our contributions to build a better world together. No matter how insignificant they may seem at times, every little thing we do matters.
From the smallest acts of kindness to the big ideas. We want to hear about your experiences and perspectives.
The focus of our Next Roundtable: “How can we supersede competition with cooperation as the central theme for the Ethos of our civilization?”
The New Tomorrow Global Roundtable comes in two parts to accommodate signatories and interested individuals from around the globe.
Here are the details:
When: On the 15th of each month so the day of the week will vary.
Who: All participants get a chance to share their ideas
How: Raise your (virtual) hand to be put on a speaker’s list
Wednesday May 15th, 2024 (UTC 16:00 on Wednesday)
That would be 9am in Vancouver, 12noon in New York & 6pm in Amsterdam on Wednesday which is 2am in Sydney Australia on Thursday.
Wednesday May 15th, 2024 (UTC 00:00 on Thursday)
That would be 5pm in Vancouver & 8pm in New York on Wednesday which is 2am in Amsterdam & 10am in Sydney Australia and 12pm in Auckland  on Thursday.
I hope I have all that right but just in case, you can click here to check your local time
To sign up, receive your link, and/or to be notified of the next drop-in session, please provide your email, name and state or country you are calling from, by filling out the form below.
Note: If you are a New Tomorrow signatory you will automatically receive a link via email a couple of days before the roundtable.
And if you’ve attended a session and found it useful, please share your comments with us using the same form.

    “All month I’m mostly inside my own head. When I interact with others it’s usually about the simpler things in life – the mundane – at the nail salon or the grocery store. We mostly talk about the day to day stuff. We don’t talk about the big topics like what our civilization’s future holds or what challenges the world faces. 
    “This Roundtable is a chance to talk to people who see a bigger picture and are willing to explore at a higher level. It lets me connect outside of myself, and share my point of view. Documentaries and books can inform and spark ideas, but they don’t give one the opportunity to talk to people, to engage with them, to get to know them–to actually have a conversation. It’s almost like going to a support group. An opportunity to speak in real time with people who care deeply about the bigger picture. It refreshes my outlook, and fuels the hope that we can indeed achieve a better tomorrow.”
    California, USA
    ” The Global Roundtable is an opportunity to share ‘stories’, and vent a little on some bigger issues that don’t get into conversations – prejudice, aloneness/loneliness & the need for community and participation in community; living smaller at a slower pace, and keeping healthy. It’s also about sharing resources and perspectives like ‘When China Rules The World’, that ‘We are all unique rays of the sun & what is Laughter Yoga?
    ‘Thank you Thomas for creating the space for sharable stories, and for all your insights.
    British Columbia, Canada
    “At the last Roundtable we shared ideas about the importance of stories. We need stories that can empower us. ‘The New Human Story’ from Gregg Braden was uplifting for me.
    “Thank You for joining a next Roundtable. Keep up the great work Thomas!”